
Eric Texier erict at
Tue May 28 14:34:33 EDT 2002

Well, I am not completly new at python but some module (no mater what
language: it started with sed)
are impossible to get a good grab on:

I am trying to do replace '#' with a number in string with some control
over the padding:

a = 'echo file#.sgi file#~3.sgi file#~5*2.sgi'

ex: with 3
newString = "file3.sgi file003.sgi file00006.sgi"

# -> number
#~x ->   number with some 0 in front for padding
#*2+3 -> number * 2 + 3 etc...

If this is trivial for one of you, I will appreciate your help a lot.


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