
Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu May 23 23:08:26 EDT 2002

    >> The number of active threads is effectively capped by a Queue object
    >> which contains a set of cached MySQLdb connection objects.

    Peter> Cool!  Do you mean you prepare the Queue ahead of time with a
    Peter> fixed number of those objects, then any attempt to create a new
    Peter> thread blocks on the Queue until a previous thread has terminated
    Peter> and released its resource back into the Queue with a put(),
    Peter> presumably inside a 'finally' block?

More or less, yes.  Once a thread is finished with a db connection, it
places it back on the queue.  It is not obligated to terminate at that
point.  It can try and grab other resources it needs.

Every chunk of code where I lock something looks something like:


The dance with the Queue object full of database connections doesn't
actually use try/finally because it has a fairly weird set of interactions -
restarting some queries if they fail for specific reasons, reconnecting if a
connection has logged too many errors, etc.  I'm fairly careful to catch all
the possible exceptions (yes, I have a general except: clause).

Skip Montanaro (skip at -
"Excellant Written and Communications Skills required" - seen on

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