string module

Michael Hudson mwh at
Tue May 21 06:48:43 EDT 2002

Fernando Pérez <fperez528 at> writes:

> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> >> Why the difference?
> > 
> > the readline library might be messing up the locale.
> Indeed! Thanks for the information, I was really puzzled. Here's
> what happens:


> So indeed, since I'm loading readline at the interactive prompt, there's an 
> under the hood resetting of the locale. Ah, the beauty of perl-like silent, 
> implicit global changes ;)

Now trying playing with signals at the interactive prompt[1]
<wink/frown>.  I wouldn't want to live without readline, but sometimes
I do wish it wouldn't bugger around with stuff my application cares
about so much.


[1] As in:

  MARVIN:  Oh dear, I think you'll find reality's on the blink again.
                   -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 12

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