Looking for a scripting language

deckerben deckerben at freenet.de
Tue May 7 00:10:41 EDT 2002

> > D:\D\SCRIPTS\PROGRAM\Python\PyXML-0.7.1>python setup.py build
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\util.py", line 135, in
> > check_envir on
> >     os.environ['PLAT'] = get_platform()
> >   File "D:\USER\DJGPP\lib\python2.0\distutils\util.py", line 43, in
> > get_platform
> >
> >     (osname, host, release, version, machine) = os.uname()
> > TypeError: unpack non-sequence

Since then I have re-compiled/re-installed and the quality of the install is
much better. I must make the following small changes afterward, but then the
setup.py scripts themselves all seem to work:

======================Begin Modification Proceedure=========================
The library files need to installed under lib\Python2.2. 'lib' itself could
be anywhere, but will most likely be in your DJGPP directory ;-) Assuming
that %PYTHONPATH% is set only to the sub-directory where the standrad
library files have been installed, type 'edit
You may need to change lines #23 & #24 to match the location where the 'lib'
directory is found (i.e. the DJGPP directory). Use UNIX slash convention
with single-quote:
(i.e. PREFIX = 'D:/USER/DJGPP').

Also: Make sure the following files have been copied directly to the
%PYTHONPATH%\config dir:

Then it works. That's all there is.
If this seems in order, the DOS distribution should be ready next week.


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