"One Bullet is never enough" Paper

Tim Daneliuk tundra at tundraware.com
Mon May 20 01:30:02 EDT 2002

Dean Goodmanson wrote:
> > > Nevertheless,
> > > your paper is quite interesting in its own right, it's just in the
> > > wrong newsgroup.
> >
> > I had to resort to Ctrl-F in Netscape to find the connection.  The
> > paper *does* mention Python, almost in passing, and Forth...
> >
> > -Peter
> After skimming the paper (and Ctrl-F,etc.), I was interested to see
> what the original discussion on this paper was.
> I didn't find an exact hit in comp.lang.forth, but did find this:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&selm=3CE57855.AE29FA7E%40tundraware.com
> I found the python portion especially interesting in light of Jython &
> .Net:
> "I reserve the right to be wrong, but it seems to me that we ought to


I am hopeful that both .NET and Jython (as well as other such efforts)
yield meaningful results.  I have no direct experience with either, but
I am a bit sceptical, only because such efforts historically (like
the UCSD P system) have been less than spectacular.  Certainly, there is
reason to believe this is more feasible today because of the much faster
processors and larger memories at our disposal.

.NET particularly ought to be view with great scepticism, IMO.  It seems
clear to me that, for commercial reasons, the real focus of the CLR will 
be C# which does not really meet the 'multi-paradigm' requirement.
Tim Daneliuk
tundra at tundraware.com

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