problem with gadfly and py2exe

Max nospam at nospam.nospam
Sun May 19 04:19:17 EDT 2002

Hi folks!
I just started using gadfly (very nice for a small project...). I replaced a
small module written by myself with it, and now it works (better, i
suppose... ;) ). The problem is that when i try to make the "exe" with
py2exe the program stops when i try to initialize the db (db=gadfly.gadfly()
or db=gadfly.gadfly(dbname, dir)...)
I had a similar problem using my module in the beginning, because py2exe
could'nt find the shelve module by itself. I solved the problem for my own
module forcing the import of shelve, but this (as almost obvious...) doesn't
work for gadfly.
Has anybody experienced the same problem or has any idea of  which modules
gadfly relies upon (and i might try to force import of in py2exe) ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion,

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