Validating XML DOM parser with PyXML (0.7.1)

Gillou nospam at
Fri May 24 13:11:14 EDT 2002


I' brain dead since this morning (French time) in that matter...
I'm trying to run a validating DOM parser with xmlproc.
Some other requirements :

* Returned objects should have the xml.dom.minidom (like) API.
* I want to "plug in" my own DTD in the document to validate XML without
doctype declaration.
* Register my handlers for parser errors.
* I need to get original encoding from xml declaration <?xml version="1.0"

Can someone post me some sample that does this or give me a "good" howto
(not the ones in, thei're still not complete)

Thanks in advance


Warning : reply to glenfant AT bigfoot DOT com

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