sys.argv and while loop

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at
Wed May 8 17:18:05 EDT 2002

On 08-May-2002 Frank Tobin wrote:
> Sean 'Shaleh' Perry, on 2002-05-08, wrote:
>> >   Otherwise, objects of different types always compare unequal, and are
>> >   ordered consistently but arbitrarily.
>> "if September is greater than the moon: do_this()" makes no sense to me
>> either. I do not fault the language for failures of programmers (-:
> Weak argument.  If you're going to have a stronly typed language, then
> comparing objects of differing types, or even similar ones without
> something defined for their comparison, should be generally be a
> TypeError.

I would be perfectly happy if "int < string" raised a TypeError.  But since it
doesn't I do not find the current behaviour worse than any other.

It could be worse "a"++ could actually mean something in python like it does in
perl (-:

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