Python @ Education: What are your problems?

William Dode wilk at
Thu May 30 03:49:58 EDT 2002

Le Wed, 29 May 2002 18:19:13 +0200
Ingo Linkweiler <i.linkweiler at> écrivait:

> > standard library not homogeneous
> Can you give some examples?
i speak about the name of the functions or methods, sometimes with _ sometimes not
Telnet : read_all()
File : readlines()

Also it can be strange to explain that we use a built-in function like open to
get an object. Why not use and object directly ?

The popenxyz...

i would like to see a more strong style guide :
 The naming conventions of Python's library are a bit of a mess, so
    we'll never get this completely consistent -- nevertheless, here
    are some guidelines.


> Ingo

William Dodé - Informaticien Indépendant

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