Python vs. Perl, which is better to learn?

Peter da Silva peter at
Sat May 4 20:13:25 EDT 2002

In article <aavl5g$jf0$1 at>,  <thp at> wrote:
> In comp.lang.misc Peter da Silva <peter at> wrote:
> : C++ is horribly complex because the original design was a more or less
> : pragmatic scheme to support object oriented programming in a non-object-
> : oriented language. 

> So, exactly which parts do you consider to be superfluous?

There don't need to be superfluous parts for it to be unnecessarily

See, the problem isn't that any specific parts are unnecessary, and
there quite likely aren't any... after all, they were each added as
they became necessary. The problem is that adding new features over
time to a language that wasn't designed for that kind of extension is
going a more complex system than you would get if you had started out
with a design that had them in mind or had mechanisms that let you
extend it naturally.

I've seen things you people can't imagine. Chimneysweeps on fire over the roofs
of London. I've watched kite-strings glitter in the sun at Hyde Park Gate.  All
these things will be lost in time, like chalk-paintings in the rain.   `-_-'
Time for your nap.  | Peter da Silva | Har du kramat din varg, idag?    'U`

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