Tix Vs Pmw which is better to use?

Mike Clarkson michael at internetdiscovery.com
Wed May 1 21:19:20 EDT 2002

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:50:32 -0500, Gustavo Cordova
<gcordova at hebmex.com> wrote:

>Tix and Pmw attack different domains: Tix is native Tcl/Tk,
>and Pmw is a Python attempt to create something akin to Tix
>but in Python. The problem is that Python doesn't have access
>to Tk internals, like Tix would.

The other real advantage of Tix is that the core to a number of the
most important widgets is written in C, which is a huge speed
difference for things  like heirachical lists (trees). Any wrapped
Tk solution for this is likely to be painfully slow for large lists.
>I simply write wrapper classes around the extension widgets
>that I use, which work just like normal, ordinarly Tkinter
>widgets (Tktable, Tkhtml, and looking for more :-)

Do you have Python wrappers for Tktable and Tkhtml?  I've been
begging for these for ages!

If so, would you like to contribute them to the contrib part of
tix.souceforge.net so people can find them easily? I'd welcome that.
I've been working on  a suite of development applications that run
with Tk/Tcl or Python using Tix: http://tix.sourceforge.net/Tixapps/

Many thanks,


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