
Philip Swartzleonard starx at
Wed May 8 15:00:41 EDT 2002

Mark McEahern || Wed 08 May 2002 09:30:41a:

> [Sean 'Shaleh' Perry]
>> Sure, but comments are basically free whereas the above creates
>> an anonmymous string which has to be garbage collected.
> Good point!  Thanks.
> By the way, in emacs with python mode, you can select a region and
> comment/uncomment it.  Commenting a block simply prepends ## to each
> line in the block.  Nifty!

def foo:

    # Or if you are writing a comment, just make sure there's a blank 
line above and below and write it all out on one line likt this, then 
hit M-Q or whatever 'fill' is set to, and it will make it into something 


def foo:
    # Or if you are writing a comment, just make sure there's a blank
    # line above and below and write it all out on one line likt this,
    # then hit M-Q or whatever 'fill' is set to, and it will make it
    # into something like <this>

I removed the extra blank lines manually. Unfortuantly if you try to do 
something like this without the extra padding

def foo:
    # A comment that is longer than fill length

You'll get

def foo: # A comment that is
longer than fill length c=1
c=2 pass

... Is there a way to make emacs ignore lines that wouldn't be 
considered comments by the language when wrapping?

Philip Sw "Starweaver" [rasx] ::

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