Golfing in 'your-language-here'

Thomas Gagné tgagne at
Thu May 2 07:41:38 EDT 2002

I'm inclined towards Smalltalk for my first cut, moving on to Java and/or Python next, but the
Palm thing is new to me.  Are you saying I can develop an app in Dolphin and port it down to
PalmOS?  I think a neat application for the Palm would be a score card application.  Not that I
expect it to be remarkably powerful at first--just a replacement for the paper and pencil.  It
would be kind of cool if it could interface with PalmOS' address book application to select

I would also be fun to be able to upload the scorecard--and to download the course information
into PalmOS--complete with yardages from the different tees--but we haven't added those variables
yet to the GolfHole class...

Michael Chean wrote:

> Since you're inclined toward Smalltalk have you thought of using the
> Palm version which I think allows you to develop in Dolphin first?


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