Ctrl-C forwarded to command executed via popen on Unix

Eric Brunel eric.brunel at pragmadev.com
Thu May 23 13:02:12 EDT 2002

Hi all,

We've just noticed a very strange problem regarding the use of the Ctrl-C 
key in the Python interpreter when a command is being run through a pipe on 
Unix: the interpreter gets it, raising a KeyboardInterrupt exception as it 
should, but the running command also seems to get the interrupt!

Here is a small example involving a small interrupt handling C program:

--- handleCtrlC.c ----------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void interruptHandler(int ignored)
  printf("Ctrl-C caught!\n");

int main()
  signal(SIGINT, interruptHandler);
  while ( 1 )

I compiled this program to handleCtrlC, then ran the Python interpreter and 

>>> import os
>>> p = os.popen('./handleCtrlC')
>>> p.readline()

After a few readline's, I press Ctrl-C at the prompt; the interpreter 
answers as expected:


Then I continue the readline's: they answer 'Tick\n' a few times, then 
'Ctrl-C caught!\n', which seems to indicate that the signal went along the 
pipe to the executed program?! [NB: if you try this, you may have to kill 
the interpreter, as the pipe won't close since there's always input on 

I tried this with Python 2.1 on Mandrake Linux 8.0 and Solaris 7, and the 
result is the same. Is it a feature or a bug? If it's a feature, what is 
the reason behind it? Or maybe it is the standard behaviour of popen?

- Eric Brunel <eric.brunel at pragmadev.com> -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools - http://www.pragmadev.com

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