unexpected os.system behavior on windows NT

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Wed May 8 14:37:42 EDT 2002

os.system seems to malfunction when the command name and another
argument are both quoted on the commandline.  All these commands
run "as expected" when executed directly in a command window.

>>> import os
>>> os.system(r'"cmd.exe" /c echo "hi bob"')
The system cannot find the path specified.
>>> os.system(r'"cmd.exe" /c echo hi bob')
hi bob
>>> os.system(r'cmd.exe /c echo "hi bob"')
"hi bob"

>>> os.system(r'cmd.exe /c echo "hi bob"')
"hi bob"
>>> os.system(r'cmd.exe /c "echo" "hi bob"')
The name specified is not recognized as an
internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
>>> os.system(r'cmd.exe /c "echo" hi bob')
hi bob

The same holds for os.popen, popen2.popen*, and win32pipe.popen*
though I haven't tried all the variations there.

I've kludged around this by using the 8.3 pathname for the executable,
so that I am guaranteed to not need to quote it ..


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