Which GUI Library to Use

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu May 9 23:43:43 EDT 2002

    Keyton> I am beginning work on what will likely turn into a fairly large
    Keyton> GUI-based application and would like your thoughts on which
    Keyton> library to use:

    Keyton> A) Tk Only
    Keyton> B) Tk with Python Mega-widgets or similar (i.e. Tk with some other stuff)
    Keyton> C) Qt (BlackAdder just announced the incorporation of Qt3 into BA)
    Keyton> D) wxPython

Don't forget PyGtk (with or without Glade):


Grab it here:


Go directly to PyGtk 1.99.x and Gtk+ 2.0.

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)
"Excellant Written and Communications Skills [required]" - post to chi.jobs

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