Python vs. Perl, which is better to learn?

thp at thp at
Fri May 3 23:39:28 EDT 2002

In comp.lang.misc Peter da Silva <peter at> wrote:
: C++ is horribly complex because the original design was a more or less
: pragmatic scheme to support object oriented programming in a non-object-
: oriented language. 

So, exactly which parts do you consider to be superfluous?

: Then to try
: and simplify things people have developed standard libraries... which
: are rather nice in a lot of ways... on top of that. The problem is
: that you really do need to understand an awful lot of stuff to understand
: that those libraries are really doing.

So, which of the things that "need to be understood" do you consider 

: The original C++ was a really nifty idea like Ratfor was a really nifty
: idea. It should have stayed a short term solution, like Ratfor, and been
: superceded by better designs as time went on.

... but we only got Java?

Tom Payne

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