Python program problem involving reading a web site.

Mike Varney varney at
Thu May 30 22:42:48 EDT 2002


I wrote a quick little program that is supposed to read the html from a web
site and to update the web counter to show another hit.
I am able to read the html code fine, but the counter on the web site is not
Here is the code.

Any suggestions?

import urllib # imports url library
from time import sleep # imports sleep timer

# Initilize variables
a = 0
t = 0

# User Input
x = input("How many hits do you want to add to counter? ")
t = input("How long do you want to pause between each hit? (Recommend > 1
min) ")

# while loop

while a < x:
 # open and reads page
 sock = urllib.geturl(
 hampage =
 print a
 a = a+1
# print goodbye
print "you have increased the page count by "
print a
print "hits"

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