YACC grammar for Python

Don Garrett garrett at bgb.cc
Sun May 5 04:26:49 EDT 2002

   I'm very interested in any results that you get, but it may be that YACC 
can't handle the Python grammer very well. Making indention levels significant 
is different from most of the language types that YACC was created for.

David Pereira wrote:

> Hi,
>     I was wondering where I could get a YACC grammar for Python. I have
> managed to find the ``grammar.txt'' file which is part of the Python spec,
> but have been having trouble converting it to YACC. I was wondering if
> someone has already does this.
>    David.

Don Garrett                             http://www.bgb.cc/garrett/
BGB Consulting                                      garrett at bgb.cc

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