Authomatic internet connection

Piet van Oostrum piet at
Thu May 2 08:25:42 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Max" <prova at> (M) writes:

M> Hi, i'm a new Python-enthusiast. Really GREAT language, i'm having much fun
M> with it!!!
M> (Sorry, but i had to communicate this to the whole world... :) )

M> Now, a little question: i wrote a very simple script that sends an
M> authomatic e-mail message using smtplib. Short, simple and working!
M> I would like to know if someone knows how to automatically connect to
M> Internet (i'm playing with windows (98 and Xp). It would be nice even to
M> bring up authomatically a connection, somehow like the webbrowser package
M> does when opening a "http" url) before trying to send the message.

You mean dialup connection?

You must have pythonwin installed, and then use win32ras.Dial
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at

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