feasibility of building a video editing program in python

abe burmeister google at abe1x.com
Sat May 18 18:34:31 EDT 2002

I'm a designer and animator who has learned to program using flash
actionscript. Now that I know how to program (a bit) I know I don't
want to be stuck in flash... I have video editing and live playback
program I've developed that I need to switch to a more powerful
programming environment. Been doing some investigation and Python
appears to be one of the most elegant languages around. I'm hoping its
the right one for me just based on the looks of the code I've seen.
Just want to make sure it can do what I'm shooting for before I dive
in though.

I'm interested in building a program that:
1 - manipulates and sequences static images and displays them on
screen at video playback speeds.
2 - exports sequences as video
3 - has a GUI that allows for real time manipulation
4 - can be controlled with a MIDI interface

Is something that python can do? If so is python the right tool to
accomplish this, or are there more optimal languages?


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