semi-concatenated strings

Grant Griffin Grant_member at
Thu May 30 15:49:58 EDT 2002

Hi Gang,

I discovered today that strings can sometimes be concatenated without using a

   ActivePython 2.2.1 Build 222 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
   Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 15 2002, 09:51:39) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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   >>> a = 'one' ' plus ' 'two'
   >>> a
   'one plus two'

I discovered this, of course, while making a mistake like this:

   >>> a = ['zero', 'one'
   ...       'two', 'three']
   >>> a
   ['zero', 'onetwo', 'three']

(Note the missing comma after 'one'.)

Is there some grand purpose here, or is this just a bug in the parser?

errors-should-never-pass-silent-ly y'rs,


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