Embedded Python script debugger???

Salman Khilji skhilji at tampabay.rr.com
Wed May 15 17:21:26 EDT 2002

I am a Python newbie.  I want to develop C++ <==> Python glue code using 
SWIG.  Then I want to embed the Python interpreter in my C++ application 
(the main program is in my C++ application---I am not developing an 
extension---rather want to embed the interpreter in my application).

I then want to let the user run scripts using some sort of a menu allowing 
Python as a built-in scripting language of the application.  The 
application will expose a lot of its functionaility to Python (the internel 
data structures will be modifyable by Python so that the power-users can do 
almost anything in the aplication using the script instead of using the 
GUI)  The problem is that users will want to run the scripts in debug 
mode---stepping line by line---stepping into, out etc.

I looked at Komodo.  Its lets you do this by adding the line:

callkomodo.brk('localhost', 9000) 

in your Python script right before where you want to break.  Komodo then 
listens for debug requests on a port # 9000.  When the users has Komodo up 
and running, the user can run a script using some dialog box in the 
application and Komodo would gladly kick in the middle of the python script 
allowing you to run the script in debug mode.

Well Komodo is nice, but isn't there a free open source alternative??  Can 
IDLE do this??  I prefer open-source and free software even for commercial 


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