Jython Swing Basics article

William Sonna wlsonna at attglobal.net
Mon May 20 21:15:21 EDT 2002

On Mon, 20 May 2002 20:52:53 UTC, Rob Andrews 
<rob[nospam]@uselesspython.com> wrote:

> http://uselesspython.com/Jython_Swing_Basics.html
> With help from the Jython Users email list, I've written what seems to be a 
> pretty good second draft newbie article on Jython & swing for Useless 
> Python. Its best qualities are probably brevity and simplicity, showing how 
> to solicit user input, process it, and return a result using swing for GUI 
> components.
> There's probably plenty of room for improvement, but it may be of some use 
> for those of humble programming experience (such as myself), and it does 
> feature a few images of what one should expect to see from the code.
> I present it for anyone interested and for constructive criticism.

I think your demonstration shows one of the key features of Jython - 
the ablilty to run Swing (as well as JDOM or any other Java library) 
line by line, making it a powerful debugging tool both for both Java 
and Python.

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