2**HUGENUMBER Why not optimise it?

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Thu May 23 13:29:21 EDT 2002

Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Mike C. Fletcher" <mcfletch at rogers.com> writes:
>>Maybe I'll just give up on trying to interest people in Python
>>optimisation challenges.  The good-old days of idle speculation and
>>optimisation are dead.  Time to stop living in the past.  Idea
>>dropped, back to boring GUI work.
> Do you feel like implementing Karatsuba multiplication in
> longobject.c?  That might actually be some use...

Although this was on the table two or three years
ago, and dissed as well, although cheap to implement.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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