
François Pinard pinard at
Fri May 24 17:49:14 EDT 2002

[Peter Hansen]

> Nothing is atomic except sending messages to a Queue.  At least, if you
> start with that premise you probably can't go wrong...

But that premise looks much exaggerated.  Python offers a nice variety
of threading primitives, and it would look excessive limiting myself to
Queue only.  Aren't the others dependable?  They should be.  I surely like
using them whenever they seem appropriate.

> In what types of applications have you observed instability, and can
> you describe the types of thread interaction you were using?  Maybe it
> would be instructive for beginners to learn alternative, known-clean
> approaches to solving the same problems.

It could yield an interesting discussion indeed.  My applications might not
have all the simplicity for such a discussion to be all flowing however,
and the mere comments in the code are a bit lengthy already :-).  But I'll
try to find some time for sharing the problems I see, and maybe put the
code available somewhere, if people feel like sharing discussion on this.

François Pinard

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