'for every' and 'for any'

Oren Tirosh oren-py-l at hishome.net
Wed May 29 03:46:01 EDT 2002

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 04:01:40PM +0000, Quinn Dunkan wrote:
> >An expression is easy to use in an if statement where you get an else 
> >clause. Using combinations of break makes it harder to use both the positive 
> >and negative case. I often find myself rearranging my code and sometimes 
> >inverting tests just to get what I want. That's not what programming is all 
> >about. I'd rather concentrate on the task at hand than on how to express it.
> Then drop those functions into your personal utility library and use 'em
> as often as you want :)

I don't have a personal utility library. It's on purpose. I don't have
personalized key bindings. I try to avoid customization.  Customization is
a big part of what makes one programmer's code difficult to maintain by
another programmer, what makes on programmers's workstation unusable by 
another and makes combining code from several sources difficult.

Just one little example: I hate it when different parts of the code use 
their own customized constants for ints from specific sizes.  Is it 
u_int32_t, uint32_t or guint32? I hate it when a big project starts and the 
programmers all start to waste their time on writing a yet another library 
with all this stuff.

One of the things I like about Python is that it comes with everything in
the box. 


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