Multibyte Character Surport for Python

Laura Creighton lac at
Sun May 12 21:32:47 EDT 2002

> In article <mailman.1021223185.21109.python-list at>, Laura
> Creighton <lac at> writes:
> | Write it up and post the question to comp.os.plan9.  These people have
> | put unicode into their whole operating system and have been thinking
> | about these issues for their languages for more than a decade.
> it is a nice system.
> on the other hand, utf-8 is ascii compatible and most of the users of
> plan 9 are american, so they might not have to address all troublesome
> situations right away.

Plan 9 may be more used outside of the USA than inside these days.
Some of the most active groups of users live in Japan.  They've been
using Plan 9 for more than a decade.  But the most recent thread on
the AZERTY keyboard indicates that all is not perfect in paradise ...

> there are major correctness advantages in having strict typing of
> "legacy" (1-byte, undefine character set) text versus unicode text.
>   -- erno
> -- 


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