jython - animation problem

xtian xtian at toysinabag.com
Thu May 23 17:51:04 EDT 2002

"Rob Hall" <bloke at ii dot net> wrote ...
>             oldRect = awt.Rectangle
>             newRect = awt.Rectangle

These lines are the problem - you're setting oldRect and newRect to
the Rectangle class, when you want them to be instances of the class.
To create new Rectangles, use

oldRect = awt.Rectangle()
or even
oldRect = awt.Rectangle(x, y, width, height)

(This is equivalent to the Java code
Rectangle oldRect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

>  AttributeError: set instance variable as static: public int
> java.awt.Rectangle.x

To be able to set awt.Rectangle.x to a value (for the class, not an
instance), awt.Rectangle.x would have to be a static member.

Hope that helps!

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