Low level python

Ken Seehof kseehof at neuralintegrator.com
Thu May 2 20:09:30 EDT 2002

> I've been thinking of writing a device driver in python.
> Some people say this is ridiculous.
> I used psyco to improve the speed, and now have a program that does the
> device driver's job (a proprietry touchscreen driver) in user mode.
> Now, I have no idea how to make the python exe or dll run in 
> kernel mode. I
> wonder if there are some special api calls that need to made.
> I'm downloading WinDriver. I hope this can help me.
> Does anyone not think this is a crazy thing to do?
> Why not use python for a device driver?
> I just see it as python dll is the driver, and the .py file are like
> permanent configuration file for it.
> Comments Appreciated
> Matthew Sherborne

I think it's a fabulous idea.  I think you will find yourself writing
a few python extensions, so be prepared.

Perhaps even a python operating system is plausable.  I'm not very
knowledgeable about operating system design, but it seems as if
some operating systems such as Windows suffer from a lack of a robust
universal object model with garbage collection.  The idea would be
to expose the kernel and low level interfaces as python extensions.
As processors continue to move into the GHz zone, function call
overhead becomes less significant, while scaleability and code
complexity become more significant.

Well, now maybe people will call me crazy instead of you :-)

- Ken

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