iterating over a derived list

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Mon May 6 14:26:07 EDT 2002

Here's a little class from basicproperty that shows using the list 
base-class methods for just about everything while allowing type-checking:

class rlist( list ):
	"""Sub-class of list which calls a method before any addition is allowed"""
	bounds = []
	def __setslice__( self, start, stop, value ):
		"""__setslice__ with value checking"""
		value = self.beforeMultipleAdd([ self.beforeAdd(item) for item in value ])
		return list.__setslice__( self, start, stop, value )
	def extend( self, value ):
		"""extend with value checking"""
		value = self.beforeMultipleAdd([ self.beforeAdd(item) for item in value ])
		return list.extend( self, value )
	__iadd__ = extend
	def append( self, value ):
		"""append with value checking"""
		value = self.beforeAdd( value )
		return list.append( self, value )
	def insert( self, index, value ):
		"""insert with value checking"""
		value = self.beforeAdd( value )
		return list.insert( self, index, value )
	def __setitem__( self, index, value ):
		"""__setitem__ with value checking"""
		value = self.beforeAdd( value )
		return list.__setitem__( self, index, value )
	def beforeAdd( self, value ):
		"""Called before all attempts to add an item"""
		return value
	def beforeMultipleAdd( self, value ):
		"""Called before attempts to add more than one item (beforeAdd has already 
been called for each item)"""
		return value

Now, you get basic for x in mylist operation for free being a list 
sub-class, but if you really want to add Prev and Next mechanisms, you 
would likely do something like this:

class StepIterator(object):
	def __init__( self, object, startIndex=-1 ):
		self.object = object
		self.index = startIndex
	def Prev( self ):
		self.index = self.index -1
		if self.index < 0:
			raise IndexError( '''Moved beyond beginning of list''')
		return self.object[ self.index ]
	def Next( self ):
		self.index = self.index + 1
		return self.object[ self.index ]

and use it like this:

	cursor = StepIterator( mylist )
	yada( cursor.Prev() )

That's not any more efficient, but it means you can use different 
iterator objects for different purposes simultaneously (though the 
iterators are not individually thread-safe) and your list sub-class 
doesn't keep track of details not relevant to it.


Donnal Walter wrote:
> In the code snippet below, I have derived a class from the built-in
> type "list" to implement 'type checking' for objects placed in the
> list and serialization of the list to and from an XML file. I also
> want to be able to iterate over the retrieved list using Prev() and
> Next(). My question is this: is there a more efficient way to
> implement this behavior than the methods below (or some built-in way
> to do this)?
   Mike C. Fletcher

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