Tkinter-helper-gui and a main class: their communication

Greg Krohn gkrohn at
Thu May 2 03:59:07 EDT 2002

> class Turtle:
>     def __init__(self):
>         try:
>             gui = Turtle_gui()
>             print "I am trying ..."
>         except Buttonpush, e:
>             buttonwork()
>     def buttonwork(self):
>         print "main class Turtle sees the The ButtonPush exception"
>         # do something useful with this knowledge
> turtle = Turtle()
> root.mainloop()

First of all, I am no Tkinter expert so [a]some, [b]none or [c]all of this
may be incorrect.

The try..except block that catches the ButtonPush only exsists in __init__.
The button
push event happens in a loop in root.mainloop()--after the Turtle object
of __init__.

Is there a reason you are using exceptions to catch the button push event?
It seems sort of
convoluted to me. I wonder if you could use a callback instead to
communicate between the classes.

hoping for [a] or [b]

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