changing new style classes py2.2
David Abrahams
david.abrahams at
Wed May 29 17:28:44 EDT 2002
"Robert Kuzelj" <robert_kuzelj at> wrote in message
news:eaef2e43.0205291225.45a6b751 at
> hi,
> i am having some problems using new style classes.
> i want to build something like an class-enhancer
> so i need write-access to the class.__dict__.
> but this seems to be forbidden now as opposed
> to oldsytle classes.
> >>> #some examples
> >>class A(object):
> >>..def meth1(self): pass
> >>..def meth2(self): pass
> >> A.__dict__["meth3"] = A.meth1
> this throws "TypeError: object does not support item assignment"
> this was perfectly legal in old style classes.
> on the other hand this is still legal (that means
> it still works without error).
> >>A.meth3 = A.meth1
> so i could at least workaround by writing the following code
> >>exec "A.%(name1)s = A.%(name2)s" % {"name1": "meth5", "name2": "meth1"}
> <booh> not very clear or very pythonic.
> besides the fact, that this behaviour seems to be inconsistent
> with the old-style it is inconsistent with it self. either one
> can change a class (then it should be possible by writing to
> the __dict__) or one can not.
> the workaraound is simply ugly (and sure is slower).
This doesn't look so terrible to me:
Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 12 2002, 16:47:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> class A(object):
... def meth1(self):pass
... def meth2(self):pass
>>> setattr(A,"meth3",A.meth1)
>>> a = A()
>>> a.meth3
<bound method A.meth1 of <__main__.A object at 0x00876688>>
>>> a.meth3()
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