Passing a Com Object as an argument

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Mon May 27 19:20:15 EDT 2002

Zsolt Marx wrote:
> Hi there. I am using Python on Win32. I have just managed to
> utilitze COM Objects in Python using the win32all package.
> Here's my question: How can I define a Python function having a COM
> interface or a COM class as an argument?
> Thanks in advance

In general, you don't need to do anything - the code calling your object 
can simply pass a COM object, and your Python code will get it.

However, you will generally get a "raw" dispatch pointer.  You generally 
want to wrap it up in a nice Dispatch object.  Something like:

   def foo(self, bar):
     # bar is a "<PyIDispatch object at xxx>"
     bar = win32com.client.Dispatch(bar) # Now a usable object


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