jython - animation problem

Rune Braathen runeb at [remove].eyeone.com
Thu May 23 10:44:38 EDT 2002

"Rob Hall" <bloke at ii dot net> writes:

> Hi all.
> Using Jython, I want to animate a rectangle moving across the
> screen, but am having trouble defining my old and new rectangle.
> Here's what I have:

Well, the problem really isn't related to the animation...

[ ... ]

>             oldRect = awt.Rectangle
>             newRect = awt.Rectangle

Here, you bind the name 'oldRect' and 'newRect' to the awt.Rectangle
class, I believe you want to create instances of the class:

oldRect = awt.Rectangle()
newRect = awt.Rectangle()

[ ... ]

> (51)     newRect.x = curX

newRect points to the awt.Rectangle class in your code, so here you
attempt to set the static member 'x' to a value, but the awt.Rectangle
class have no such member.

> The trouble is, when I run it I get the following error at line 51:
>  AttributeError: set instance variable as static: public int
> java.awt.Rectangle.x
> What am I doing wrong?

Something that will make you say to yourself: "DOH!" :)


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