Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Pascal Costanza costanza at web.de
Tue Nov 12 05:26:45 EST 2002

Gareth McCaughan wrote:

>>>You mean (funcall #'+ 1 1 1) and (funcall #'* 2 3).
>> No, (funcall '+ 1 1 1) works as well (as defined by the ANSI specs).
> Yes, but identifying functions with the symbols that name them
> at run time is generally reckoned bad Lisp style.

You're right, but I wanted to avoid to explain the difference between ' 
and #'. These examples are only meant to give a first taste of Lisp.


Pascal Costanza               University of Bonn
mailto:costanza at web.de        Institute of Computer Science III
http://www.pascalcostanza.de  Römerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)

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