exception thrown from I/O interrupted by signal

Donn Cave donn at u.washington.edu
Wed Nov 20 13:28:43 EST 2002

Quoth Volker Apelt <gq437x at yahoo.de>:
| Which exception is thrown from a I/O operation that is 
| interrupted by a signal?
| Which specification will catch it?
| try:
|    line = f.readline()
| except WhatIsIt, e:
|    print e

The exception will actually be raised by the library function that
you have called, and they each raise their own exception.  Optimistically
assuming you have a bona fide file object there, you may specify IOError.

The errno attribute of the exception will match errno.EINTR.

	Donn Cave, donn at u.washington.edu

| ----- python lib docu
| _underline_ added by me.
| http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-signal.html
| 7.1 signal -- Set handlers for asynchronous events 
| # When a signal arrives during an I/O operation, it is _possible_ that the
| I/O operation raises _an_exception_ after the signal handler returns. This
| is dependent on the underlying Unix system's semantics regarding
| interrupted system calls.  

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