Accessing Dictionary values from within the Dictionary
Mel Wilson
mwilson at
Fri Nov 15 10:10:39 EST 2002
In article <mailman.1037366016.17160.python-list at>,
pinard at (=?iso-8859-1?q?Fran=E7ois?= Pinard) wrote:
>Probably this would work for you:
> dict = {'var1': 1, 'var2': 2, 'var3': dict['var1'] + dict['var2']}
I doubt it:
Python 2.1.3 (#35, Apr 8 2002, 17:47:50) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> dict = {'var1': 1, 'var2': 2, 'var3': dict['var1'] + dict['var2']}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'dict' is not defined
If the original poster had said *which* syntax error..
To the original poster:
Consider just
dict = {'var1':1, 'var2':2}
First the Python interpreter builds a dictionary using
the expression `{'var1':1, 'var2':2}`
If this succeeds, then the interpreter associates the
dictionary object with the name `dict` in one of its own
symbol dictionaries. So when you try to refer to the `dict`
dictionary within the expression that builds the dictionary
that later will be called `dict`.. you find there is no such
.. if you're lucky. If there's a different object called
`dict` at the time your statement is executed, that will be
used instead. That had better be what you want.
It goes beyond Python .. most common computer languages
.. certainly the FORTRAN- or Algol-flavoured ones ,, work
this way.
Regards. Mel.
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