how does import work ?

Alex Martelli aleax at
Wed Nov 20 09:41:21 EST 2002

Michele Simionato wrote:
> Suppose now I import ONLY the function f2, but not f1:
>>>> from f1f2 import f2

That's basically equivalent to:
    import f1f2
    f2 = f1f2.f2
    del f1f2
except that if you already had an f1f2 identifier it's not disturbed.

> therefore Python has imported f1 too, but is some hidden way, since
> f1 is not in the current namespace dictionary:

Of course not, but it's in sys.modules['f1f2'] 's namespace, right
where it should be.

> This behavior is quite confusing to me, somebody can explain what is
> happening ?



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