wxPython style question
Cliff Wells
LogiplexSoftware at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 4 19:00:35 EST 2002
On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 12:24, Gary Pajer wrote:
> I'm trying to learn my way around wxPython. I'm relatively new to python.
> I have (at least) two choices when it comes time to create an object (say a
> wxPanel). The first is what most demos seem to do: I can make it an
> instance attribute of the Frame (referred to by self):
> def __init__(self, ...):
> self.panel1 = wxPanel(self, ...)
> etc.
> And then reference to the Panel is always available via self.panel1
> Or I can call the constructor without "self" in which case (if I
> understand the mechanics) the wxWindow object is created, but the wxPython
> object that wraps it dissapears after __init__ finishes.
> def __init__(...):
> panel1 = wxPanel(self, name="panel1", ... )
> etc.
> Now, if I want to change an attribute of the Panel:
> In the former case, I call
> self.panel1.wxSetWhatever(). (where self is the wxFrame instance)
> In the later, I need to find the wxWindow version of the Panel. I can do
> this by giving the Panel a name at creation, and then searching for the name
> later, e.g. in a callback routine:
> def ProcessMenuSelection(self,event):
> panel = self.FindWindowByName("panel1")
> panel.wxSetWhatever()
> etc.
> The later method has some asthetic appeal to me because it does not litter
> the source code with so many selfs, and it doesn't create attributes that
> might serve no purpose.
> These reasons may not be good reasons. Is there some reason for preferring
> one approach over the other?
While either approach will work, maintaining unique names for windows
would seem to be a major PITA (I rarely even bother changing the default
name argument when using wxPython). The approach I usually use is to
save references to windows that I know I'll need later on (or more
likely, add the references as I need them), and not save them for ones I
don't. This gives you easy access to the objects you need while not
creating "attributes that might serve no purpose."
BTW, if you're *that* concerned about aesthetics, avoid GUI programming
- you'll go mad trying to balance your sensibilities with the
possibility of getting anything useful done ;)
> Am I missing some key point?
GUI programming sucks. wxPython just makes it suck less.
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308 (800) 735-0555 x308
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