windll event loop leaks

Robin Becker robin at
Thu Nov 14 06:26:57 EST 2002

Hi, I'm trying to implement a calldll/windll backend for the anygui
project. I have working code, but it leaks so I'm looking for assistance
with how one should program/debug such a loop.

My test prog is a simple blank window. Using process explorer I can see
that the working memory increases when I just move the mouse around over
the window.

For comparison I tried Sam Rushing's dynwin/ and lo and behold
it also leaks.

The pythonwin backend which has a similar structure doesn't leak.

The loop I use is just
        while user32.GetMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0):

and my test seems to just end up calling the default window procedure
using user32.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam).

Any help gratefully received. FWIW I'm using Python-2.2.2 Win2K sp2
Robin Becker

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