[OT] Cameras (was Re: Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?)

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 9 13:55:27 EST 2002

Michael Hudson wrote:

> Totally off-topic, but hey...

Indeed :)

>> If you just want convenience for 4x6 prints from negative, a P&S is
>> fine. But even a basic SLR like a Canon Rebel is about as easy to
>> use as a P&S, while allowing you to 'go manual' when you feel like
>> it.
> What strikes me is that with modern, decent print film, going manual
> -- at least wrt. exposure -- makes next to now difference.  I don't
> know enough about the area to say what's going on, but I was
> surprised.

It's the exposure latitude. Modern print films have about 5 stops of exposure 
latitude, so you can really get away with murder. On the other hand, with 
slide film a half stop off is already noticeable. I shoot mostly slides, and 
occasionally need to use a P&S, which can get a bit tricky :) But with a bit 
of luck and good optics, you can get nice shots in situations where pulling 
an SLR out might not be practical.

For this shot (http://www-hep.colorado.edu/~fperez/photo/Cotopaxi99/7.html) I 
simply couldn't stop to get my SLR out of my bag, but I had my trusty Stylus 
Epic in a jacket pocket. I took the shot without barely stopping at all, and 
it turned out nicer than all others in that climb, including the ones where I 
did pull out my SLR. As they say, it's the moment, not the equipment :)



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