running batch scripts

Trent Mick trentm at
Tue Nov 12 17:25:51 EST 2002

[tagarwal wrote]
> Hi
> anyone can help me to write a python script to invoke a windows batch script
> (.bat file)
> and then keeping the cmd (cmd.exe or the dos window)window alive so as to
> use the same window to run some other commands.
> I tried using popen2, but how do i tell the cmd.exe to execute the command
> once i place the command on stdin.

You need to launch your batch file with "cmd.exe /k". From cmd.exe's

    C:\> cmd /?
    /K      Carries out the command specified by string but remains

so try this Python code:

    os.system("cmd.exe /k your_batch_file.bat")


Trent Mick
TrentM at

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