Inheritance And Instantiation Of Instance Variables

Ben C b.e.n.c.a.t.7.3. at .t.p.g...c.o.m...a.u
Sat Nov 23 19:19:53 EST 2002

Hi there,

I just wanted to clarify something ...

if I create a class such as

class Blah:

    def __init__(self, parameterA, parameterB)
        self.parameterA = parameterA
        self.parameterB = parameterB

 and then I inherit from that class is it really necessary to initialise the
argumnets to the inherited class twice ? ie.

class NewBlah(Blah):

    def __init__(self, parameterA, parameterB)
        Blah.__init__(self, parameterA, parameterB)

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