A vision for Parrot
A.M. Kuchling
akuchlin at ute.mems-exchange.org
Thu Nov 7 10:37:39 EST 2002
In article <mailman.1036674730.19464.python-list at python.org>,
Steven D. Arnold wrote:
> There may be difficulties like the ones you bring up, but my feeling is the
> Parrot people ought to go for solving the easy 90 percent of the problem,
> even if it means that little code from any language will work out of the box
> (except perhaps perl6; it is their baby, after all).
But then Parrot/Python becomes a variant of Python, and you have to
ask why work on one variant and not another? Why work on
Parrot/Python and not .NET/Python, which would also be a variant?
Months ago I once predicted that Mono (the effort to write a Linux
.NET implementation) would likely founder on the sheer complexity of
duplicating a large and possibly-shifting standard CLR, while Parrot,
which had a seemingly simpler task, would get its first usable version
out more quickly. Astonishingly, just the opposite has happened; Mono
has been making releases every few months and steadily writing more
add-on libraries, while Parrot has advanced much more slowly. I'd
like to dust off Mark Hammond's python.NET code, but unfortunately
Mono doesn't yet implement enough of the necessary APIs to support it.
--amk (www.amk.ca)
HAMLET: Ay, madam, it is common.
-- _Hamlet_, I, ii
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