Python as first language (Re: static variables?)

Brian Quinlan brian at
Wed Nov 20 18:12:19 EST 2002

John Roth wrote:
> > I think that the conceptual problem that people have with 
> > assignment being a binding operation is that they are used 
> > to names labeling some sort of memory mailbox.
> If you take the word "memory" out of there, that does describe 
> Python. I think this is a false distinction.

No it doesn't. In C or Java, when you write:

int a = 5;

you are, conceptually, saying: stick a 5 in the "a" mailbox.

In Python, when you write:

a = 5

you are, conceptually, saying: 5 is in a mailbox somewhere, make "a"
know the address of that mailbox. I wouldn't use the mailbox analogy
with Python though.


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