ANN: EasyGui version 0.5

Stephen Ferg steve at
Sat Nov 30 09:16:03 EST 2002

I've just released easygui version 0.5
It is available at

This version fixes some minor infelicities, and adds a new  feature
called "integerbox" to support getting an integer value from a user.

For those not familiar with EasyGui, here is an excerpt from the


Experienced Pythonistas need support for quick and dirty GUI features.
New Python programmers need GUI capabilities that don't require any
knowledge of tkinter, frames, widgets, callbacks or lambda. This is
what EasyGui provides.   Using EasyGui, all GUI interactions are
invoked by simple function calls.

EasyGui is different from other GUIs in that it is NOT event-driven. 
It allows  you to program in a traditional linear fashion, and to put
up dialogs for simple  input and output when you need to. If you are
new to the event-driven paradigm  for GUIs, EasyGui will allow you to
be productive with very basic tasks immediately. Later, if you wish to
make the transition to an event-driven GUI  paradigm, you can move to
an event-driven style with a more powerful GUI package such as anygui,
PythonCard, Tkinter, wxPython, etc. EasyGui is there just to do very
basic stuff.   More elaborate stuff should be done with more powerful

Here is a code snippet using EasyGui.

    msg ="What is your favorite flavor?"
    title = "Ice Cream Survey"
    choices = ["Vanilla", "Chocolate", "Strawberry", "Rocky Road"]
    choice = choicebox(msg, title, choices)
    # note that we convert choice to string, in case
    # the user cancelled the choice, and we got None.
    msgbox("You chose: " + str(choice), "Survey Result")

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