Python documentation in DocBook

Martin v. Loewis martin at
Fri Nov 15 07:53:01 EST 2002

DaveP <DaveP at> writes:

> > That might be the case. However, as a question, I meant it seriously:
> > What do I gain from converting the Python documentation to XML?
> In an earlier mail you mentioned the toolset for XML.
> Saves a lot of work.

What specific work does what specific toolset save in the specific
case of Python documentation? All the work that can be saved has
already been done.

> Docbook has a significant multi-lingual element for boiler plate,
> the techniques are re-usable though. Norm Walsh did a talk on it
> at a conference I hosted in 2001 if you are interested.

I don't think that the multi-lingual feature helps, in practice. It
allows you to edit multi-lingual documents - which likely won't
happen. Instead, you want different documents for different languages,
and synchronize the translations from time to time - where the English
document is always the master document.

So while I do see some advantages from using XML for that, I don't see
any additional advantages from using Docbook, for translation.


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