stopping SimpleHTTPServer

dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Tue Nov 19 16:08:02 EST 2002

"Alex Martelli" <aleax at> wrote in message
news:AptC9.28393$744.1027998 at
> dsavitsk wrote:

* * *

> In your subclass, you need to override method handle_error, which by
> default processes all exceptions (including the SystemExit exception
> raised by sys.exit) by printing a traceback and continuing.  Check if
> the exception is SystemExit and then re-raise it, otherwise delegate
> to your base-class's handle_error for normal error processing...
right.  I am not getting something very fundamental, so this is a good
learning opportunity ...

I added a method as below (found from a Steve Holden post)

def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
   import exceptions
   etype, evalue = sys.exc_info()[:2]
   if etype is exceptions.SystemExit: raise
   print '-'*40
   print 'Exception happened during processing of request from',
   print client_address
   import traceback
   traceback.print_exc(1000, sys.stdout)
   print '-'*40

but it doesn't seem to be used upon an error. Instead the original
handle_error method is called.  So how do I convince my program that this
one is the one to use?  Python 2.1.3, b/t/w.


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