Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Patrick W patrickw106 at yahoo.com.au
Thu Nov 21 08:55:02 EST 2002

Alex Martelli <aleax at aleax.it> writes:

> > (defclass thing () ())
> > (defclass paper (thing) ())
> > (defclass rock (thing) ())
> > (defclass scissors (thing) ())
> > 
> > (defgeneric beats? (thing thing))
> > (defmethod beats? ((x thing) (y thing)) nil)
> > (defmethod beats? ((x paper) (y rock)) t)
> > (defmethod beats? ((x rock) (y scissors)) t)
> > (defmethod beats? ((x scissors) (y paper)) t)
> Multimethods are indeed very powerful, but it doesn't show "in the small" 
> (quite typical for many very powerful things)

Right.  I only intended to hint at a general concept that isn't widely
known outside of the Lisp and Dylan communities.  It becomes *much*
harder to 'fake' multiple dispatch (multiple polymorphism?) in more
elaborate systems.

I think Lisp's multimethods are a decent example of how macros can
simplify a system in the long run.  To graft support for multimethods
onto most languages would be major surgery -- but in Lisp it's just a
bunch of macros that extend Lisp in Lisp, leaving you with Lisp.

> class thing: pass
> class paper(thing): pass
> class rock(thing): pass
> class scissors(thing): pass
> def beats(x, y):
>     def are(X,Y): return isinstance(x,X) and isinstance(y,Y)
>     return are(paper,rock) or are(rock,scissors) or are(scissors,paper)

Nifty ;-)

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